Friday, October 28, 2011

Drafting My Personal Statement

I recently met an MD/PhD student who offered to assist me with crafting my personal statement. What a relief! I've gotten my first draft to her (and she's already given me feedback). I have a few other people who said that they were willing to review it (2 MD clinical professors, 1 MD not associated with the university, 1 second-year student). So much is riding on this single essay--it's a bit frightening. My plan is to go through a few rounds of revision with a single reviewer before sharing it with others.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I think my husband has just about heard it all. And so I am casting my words out into the Blogosphere. (I guess I'm saying, "Who cares? Maybe someone.") In truth, he is supportive, but this venture is inevitably far more thrilling to me than it is to him.

So here I am. A mother with a full-time job and a heavy course-load getting ready to take the MCAT in April. And I'm 37. I'll be 43 in June 2017--the same month I become an MD. I feel like right now I am looking at the travel brochures for the biggest journey in my life. Where to go, how to get there--the future feels pretty uncertain, but that's were the adventure lies.